Monday, April 30, 2012

What I was thinking.. When I saw the car accident

We were on our way home from an emotional trip to New York. I was driving in a car with Jordan and Tom when we saw a lot of commotion on the side of the road. Tom wanted to see what was going on so he pulled over. We learned quickly that someone had been killed. From talking to the people at the scene, it was apparent that whoever hit the woman had fled. We found out that the woman was Myrtle. Tom was devastated which made me sick. My thoughts for some reason went to Daisy. At first I thought it was because seeing Tom upset over Myrtle mad me angry. I wasn't sure for the reasons for my strange feelings at first but I just couldn't get Daisy out of my mind. We heard more pieces of information from different people around town and we soon found out that Gatbsy's car was involved. I couldn't believe how fast everything had changed. Our lives had been flipped upside down in an instant and nothing would ever go back to normal from then on.

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